White-Listing Instructions


Don't miss out!

To ensure you receive the Email you've requested, please follow the instructions that are appropriate for your email service provider below.

AOL     Hotmail     MSN     Yahoo!     Other

STEP ONE: Never hit the "Report Junk E�mail" or "Report and Block Sender" buttons under the "Junk" option in your Inbox (Figure 1). Emails marked as junk will be automatically sent to your "Junk E�mail" folder and deleted. Reporting and blocking an email may prevent other emails from ZMailDirect.com from getting to your Inbox.

Figure 1

Please complete the simple steps below to make sure all ZMailDirect.com email is delivered to your Hotmail Inbox.

STEP TWO: Add the ZMailDirect.com email domain to your "Safe List".
Starting from your Hotmail Inbox:
  • Click the "Contacts" tab (Figure 2)
  • Choose "Safe List" from the menu on the left
  • Add the following domain to your Safe List:
  • Click the "Add" button
Figure 2

ZMailDirect.com will be entered in the "Safe List" domains (see highlighted region).